
Rail Freight Corridors PCS trainings February 2022

The Rail Freight Corridors, in close cooperation with RNE (Rail Net Europe), are pleased to provide you information on a number of online PCS trainings scheduled between 14th and 18th February 2022. Our annual training focuses on the corridor specific functions in PCS, and provides you with valuable, practical insights needed for requesting Capacity on the Rail Freight Corridors for timetable 2023.

CFR derailment 24-11-2021

Updated: Derailment on CFR network 24-11-2021

Latest update (25th November 18:00): Due to the efforts of CFR's experts the traffic has been reopened on the line Timișoara - Orșova - Filiași. For the time being only 3 tracks can be used in Balota station, therefore train recomposing is still not possible. Major delays can be expected on the line. 

CIP 2021 Customer Satisfaction Survey

CIP 2021 Customer Satisfaction Survey

The RNE is conducting the annual CIP 2021 Customer Satisfaction Survey.


Publication of Reserve Capacity TT 2022

We are happy to announce that RFC Orient/East-Med published Reserve Capacity for timetable 2022, which is now accessible in PCS. Please click on the article for more details.

European Year of Rail - The EU has designated 2021 as the European Year of Rail to promote the use of trains as a safe and sustainable transport.

To mark this special year we asked our colleagues who work on railway in several positions tell their past, their plans and why they love their profession.